Jillian Carr is the driving force behind Steady Gait Planning Inc., a financial planning practice offering people in the veterinary community a place to feel educated and empowered by their financial journey.
Jillian has spent the last 16 years in the Financial Services industry, 8 of those years were working with leading financial services companies and the last 8 building Steady Gait Planning.
Building a practice in a male dominated, antiquated world has been challenging. Jillian learned to truly follow her authentic self and ideas. Jillian is no stranger to diversity in life and finances – watching her parents divorce at the age of 19, navigating a mother with mental illness and 15 years later seeing her dad, her career and life advisor, pass away due to complications from a traumatic brain injury all while trying to build her business during the height of the pandemic. Jillian is a designated financial advisor, an active member on the board of the advisor association, and an ally and mental health advocate in the veterinarian community.
Topics covered in our wide-ranging conversation with Jillian include:
- Getting to the root of people’s financial fears
- Common money stories veterinarians have
- Why people are scared to have conversations about money, especially with contract negotiations
- Why we’re afraid to talk about the money positives
- Shifting your financial plan as your career progresses
- Tactics for better money conversations
- 100% responsibility motto
- Getting actively involved in your finances
- Jillian’s Impact Round!
Thank you to Jillian for joining us for a courageous money conversation.
IG: @steadygaitplanninginc
Budgeting tool mentioned in the show: https://itools-ioutils.fcac-acfc.gc.ca/BP-PB/budget-planner
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Thank you for listening and we’ll catch you again in 2 weeks for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!