A big welcome back to the show to Dr. Melanie Barham! A previous guest from 100+ episodes ago, no doubt a lot has changed as she now leads the team at Vets Stay Go Diversify, an organization committed to helping veterinary professionals and employers find a great fit for what they need.

Melanie is a veterinarian, entrepreneur, speaker, educator, and mum. She holds a DVM from the Ontario Veterinary College, and an MBA in Sustainable Commerce from the University of Guelph, and a Project Management Professional designation.

Melanie has held roles in many fields of vet med including sport horse medicine, consulting, laboratory, surveillance, not-for-profit/ NGO, and charity sectors. She founded the DVM Project, the North American branch of VSGD, and formally joined the VSGD team in September 2022. Melanie’s MBA research focused on veterinary career paths.

Topics covered in our episode with Melanie include:

  • From the DVM Project to CEO of Vets Stay Go Diversify
  • How to craft a great story
  • The power of story for employers seeking great candidates
  • Developing your personal story as an employee seeking a great place to work
  • Why employers should ask their current employees questions why they choose / continue to work at your clinic
  • What stories aren’t you telling?
  • What does the data say about our industry (employee and employer satisfaction)
  • How to renew your interest in the veterinary industry if you’re feeling bored or disenchanted
  • Why do most people undersell themselves and what can we do about it?
  • The relativity of extraordinary and normal
  • Why storytelling is more “sticky”
  • Tips for crafting your story to increase connection and bridge the gap

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melaniebarhamdvm/

Email: [email protected]

Website: https://vsgd.co/

Check out our website at theveterinaryproject.com for more info about the show, our hosts, and all things Veterinary Project, or follow us on Instagram @theveterinaryproject.

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Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can be sent to our Instagram, @theveterinaryproject.

Thank you for listening and we’ll catch you again in 2 weeks for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!