This week we chat with Dr. Brent Mayabb, DVM and Global Chief Medical Officer with Royal Canin to speak about personal finances and Brent’s own money journey coming out of vet school with $88,000 in debt.

This episode is for anyone currently struggling with their money mindset. Additionally, it’s for anyone that may be feeling unable to lift the burden of bills from their shoulders, as well as those looking for options on how to move forward in their personal money journey.

In this conversation, we’re diving deep into topics such as:

  • How to get started on the path towards financial literacy
  • Your personal money story
  • A scarcity vs abundance mindset
  • Building momentum in your financial journey, including the “snowball method” of debt reduction
  • What is an emergency fund
  • Why we need more conversations about personal finance in the veterinary industry
  • Working around the guilt associated with getting paid what you’re worth as a veterinary professional

A big thank you to Brent for joining us to start the conversation on this incredibly important topic, a conversation that everyone needs to be having in veterinary medicine.

Suggested resources Brent referred to on the show:

  • Thomas J. Stanley’s book: The Millionaire Next Door
  • Dave Ramsey
  • Ramit Sethi – I Will Teach You To Be Rich

If you’d like to connect with Brent you can do so in the following places:

LinkedIn: Brent Mayabb

E-mail Direct: [email protected]

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Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can also be sent to [email protected].

Thank you for listening and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!

– Jonathan Leicht, DVM and Michael Bugg, DVM