The second the public world knows you’re in veterinary medicine, EVERYONE with a pet is going to want your advice!

So, how do you handle this never ending onslaught of unsolicited requests?

Dr. Jonathan Leicht and Dr. Michael Bugg have some insights and suggestions for managing this sometimes not-so-fun part of being a veterinary professional.

Amongst a couple quality rants and many laughs, topics covered in this episode include:

  • Funneling communication through the right channels
  • Giving out your personal cell phone – when to do so and when not
  • Are you obligated to respond to a request on social media or your personal phone outside of working hours?
  • Where to draw the line with friends and family on “free advice”
  • Utilizing technology to filter communications with clients into your medical records
  • The flip side of giving unsolicited advice: building incredible rapport
  • Employer risk with developing personal connections with clients

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Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can also be sent to [email protected]. Thank you for listening and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!

– Jonathan Leicht, DVM and Michael Bugg, DVM