How do we create more conversation and drive positive change for wellbeing and self-care in our profession?

Dr. Ryan Appleby is one of the voices actively working to shed light on this incredibly important challenge our industry faces, and in this episode we’re expanding the conversation in this area with him.

Dr. Appleby is an Assistant Professor of Diagnostic Imaging at the Ontario Veterinary College. He completed veterinary school and a rotating internship at OVC. He then completed an imaging internship in San Diego and a residency in diagnostic imaging at NC State university in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Ryan was boarded by the American College of Veterinary Radiologists in 2019 and rejoined the team at OVC at that time. His research interests include the use of artificial intelligence in veterinary imaging and clinical applications of advanced ultrasound technologies. He is passionate about teaching and started the website in 2021 to provide global access to high quality veterinary educational content in a micro-learning format.

In our conversation with Dr. Appleby we cover:

  • Ryan’s background and career to date
  • The impetus for, and challenge behind, releasing his “Wellbeing in Veterinary Medicine” blog post on Obivet
  • Why industry and organizations need to get more involved in professional wellbeing
  • External factors that inhibit self-care
  • Should clinics and corporations flow more money towards helping staff with self-care and wellbeing?
  • Organizational vs. individual accountability for wellbeing
  • Everyone needs to get involved in order to drive change
  • People first vs. profit first – should businesses adjust their models in order to address wellbeing challenges?
  • The “Perfect Practice Wish List” – Dr. Appleby’s suggested solutions
  • Ryan’s Impact Round

Check out Ryan’s educational content online with Obivet:

Twitter: @obivet

IG: @obivetce

To reach Ryan directly, you can find him here:

IG: @applebydvm

[email protected]

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Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can also be sent to [email protected]. Thank you for listening and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!

– Jonathan Leicht, DVM and Michael Bugg, DVM