Dr. Kate Baker grew up in Nashville, Tennessee and completed her DVM at the University of Tennessee in 2012. She then completed a rotating internship and Clinical Pathology residency and became board certified in 2016. Dr. Baker currently works as a veterinary educator and diagnostic clinical pathologist. She is the founder of the highly active Facebook group Veterinary Cytology Coffeehouse, offers continuing education resources through her website, Veterinary Cytology Schoolhouse, and recently launched a personalized telecytology consultation service, Pocket Pathologist. She lives on a small farm in Columbia, TN with her husband and two young children. They have three dogs (two chihuahuas and a cavapoo), a mini-donkey, a pygmy goat, and 30 chickens. In our wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Kate Baker we cover:
  • Dr. Baker’s origin story and unique career journey
  • Overcoming mental barriers and facing imposter syndrome
  • What it feels like to reach the “career breaking point”
  • The creation of the Veterinary Cytology Coffeehouse Facebook group – a place for Kate to teach – that has grown to over 60,000 members!
  • How Kate turned her Facebook group into a fulfilling career change
  • Career change is not easy. It will be hard
  • Things to consider to create a fulfilling career and life
  • Maximizing your work and / or business by hiring a virtual assistant
  • Remember the reason why you got into this industry: to help animals!
  • Dr. Baker’s Impact Round
Thank you to Dr. Kate Baker for joining us on the show! If you want to see what Dr. Baker is up to, or connect with her further you can find her in the following places: IG: @clinpathkate For Dr. Baker’s learning resources and courses: https://www.veterinarycytologyschoolhouse.com/ To join the Veterinary Cytology Coffeehouse Facebook group, use the URL below: https://www.facebook.com/groups/VetCytoCoffeehouse We’re now online! Check out our new website at theveterinaryproject.com for more info about the show, our hosts, and all things Veterinary Project! If you liked the show and want to stay in the know, please subscribe to the podcast on the listening platform of your choosing. Want to join our community of like-minded Veterinary Professionals? Send an email to [email protected] and we’ll get you connected to our private Veterinary Project Facebook group. Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can also be sent to [email protected]. Thank you for listening and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast! – Jonathan Leicht, DVM and Michael Bugg, DVM