Are you living an intentional life or are you just taking what life gives you?
The reality is you have made a decision around goal setting whether you realize it or not.
And if you’re going to live life to the fullest, does it not make sense to be intentionally creating what you want as opposed to merely receiving what comes your way?
In this episode of the show, Dr. Michael Bugg speaks on a subject for which he is deeply passionate about: goal setting.
The statistics show that 95% of people don’t set goals. It’s our aim that if you haven’t been a goal setter to date, or don’t have a great goal setting process in place, that this episode will inspire you to take the next step in your goal setting practice.
It’s time to get intentional with creating the future life you desire, as Dr. Michael Bugg shares the 5 steps in his goal setting process which includes:
- Visualization:
– Focusing on the FEELING, Eliminating the HOW, and DREAMING about what’s possible - Sorting through your life pillars:
– Ranking from 1-10 the three questions that help Mike narrow in on the goals to focus on - Breaking your goals down:
– The 12 Week Year - Break your quarterly into weekly.
– Dropping your recurring tasks and priorities into your weekly plan
– The Sunday System - Daily Habits
– The Miracle Morning
– One Priority
– Daily Progress
The best time to start is now. The best place to start is right where you are.
And remember: it’s the person you become in the process of working towards achieving your goals that is the biggest benefit to you and the quality of your life.
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Any questions, comments, feedback, or requests for guests can also be sent to [email protected]. Thank you for listening and we look forward to seeing you next Wednesday for another episode of The Veterinary Project Podcast!
– Jonathan Leicht, DVM and Michael Bugg, DVM